Sunday, May 23, 2010

a part of me ...

a part of me wants to cry aloud .
a part of me ..........

everytime i open eyes in conscience
a part of me seems deeply dumped in sadness...

a part of me is urging disobediently.. to forget and bring back the time....
its craving for a old normal day together....

a part of me without you is lonely even in stuffed crowd ..
It fears from facing even slightest jerk of life...

a part of me is throwing tantrums
to play hide and seek with times and demand to play only hide part .

a part of me is confused everytime i wake up ....
about why its aching with no visible wound there
and why my eyes are ready to get wet ....

a part of me cruelly fills me with disappointment dissatisfaction & anger
in a moment ...
from you sometimes ...from me but at last from my fate ....

a part of me is going away from me
leaving me alone , coz that part had priorities over me ...
it wants to be happy through something away from me...

a part of me wants to be coddled like so many times earlier
but with same eternal assurance as earlier.

a part of me is making me weak time and again
unbearably leaking with tears in eyes

a part of me feels waste to cry now things have permanently changed now.......